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Fast & Slow design

Fast & slow design tableware, 2019

What is ' Fast & Slow design' ?

It aims to guide people away from their prejudice and embrace new ideas by switch their way of thinking from fast to slow in their everyday life. 

''System 1 (fast thinking) exercise automatically and rapidly, which almost requires no attention and out of our control. The system 2 ( slow thinking ) demands our attention of the effortful mental activities, and complex calculation.'' 

(Daniel Kahneman, 2011, pp. 21-22)



The puzzle can be the opposite of everyday objects since it requires more concentration and effort.



Everyday objects can be seen as an example of fast thinking because we don't need to think twice before we use them. 

If we apply this theory into design then we found some examples which can fit in the concept of thinking fast and slow. 

How to design a Fast & Slow object?

The design is to combine two types of examples (everyday object and puzzle). The familiar features of everyday objects can trigger people's fast thinking and the puzzling mechanism can challenge them to exercise slow thinking. 


This diagram outline the steps of how people engaging with objects and how this design can affect people's way of thinking.

The idea is that the designed objects will put a stop and challenge users to use slow thinking instead of fast thinking. 

Fast & Slow design principle

1. Identify people's unconscious behavior toward specific object.


2. Adding visible obstacle if people want to exercise their unconscious behavior on the object.

3. Provide a reward for overcome the obstacle. It can be any kind, such as funny reaction, a new function ,,, 

Why Fast&Slow design matters?

In nowadays world, we live in a global society which has a diversity of religion, political, gender, and race than ever before. It provides us many new opportunities and ideas, but it also causes many conflicts from people's bias and prejudice behavior. The ultimate goal of this project is to tackle these issues by changing people's way of thinking and behaving. 

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